Can you remember the date that your dog was born? Many people don't. However there are a lot of us dog lovers out there that know the exact date... And we want to do something to celebrate!
Today we trialled a new idea. A DOG CAKE SMASH!

Earlier today we welcomed Caroline and her beautiful beagles, who are regulars at our secure dog paddock, to celebrate Jack's 5th birthday. He brought along his best mates, Frank and Lucy, to help him celebrate in style! Here's some pictures of how it went....
I'd say they enjoyed it, wouldn't you!?!?
The cake is home-made & dog friendly and we can bake it in different sizes to suit any breed of dog. If you want to celebrate your dogs birthday, or you have another special occasion you'd like to celebrate with them, get in touch!
More details on pricing and how to book a cake smash photoshoot will be available shortly on